Catching a Vision for Ministry


    I just want to start off by saying thank you again for your generosity this last year. I've seen God be so faithful this year. I'm so excited to be able to be on campus with these students and invest in their lives and help them get to know Jesus. Thank you for letting me do that! 

    The semester is finally under way, and we just wrapped up our yearly Winter Camp. The beginning of the semester is always an exciting time for us because the students are reenergized and ready to dive deeper into their faith. Winter Camp has historically been a huge part of that and being able to have it this year was a real blessing. I’ve already started to hear how big of an impact it’s been having on our students. There were 2 different guys in my small group that shared that Winter Camp was the best part of their winter break. Another shared how it had revealed how he was making an idol out of different things in his life. And yet another shared how he was so impacted by his conversations with fellow students. He mentioned being struck by how such small little invitations, like inviting someone to play board games in the dorms, would change the trajectory of someone’s life. He shared about how those things were instrumental in getting people involved in Christian community and thus them developing a relationship with Christ. He said “I really want to be a part of that for people. I want to start reaching out to people and inviting them into faith and community so they can experience what I have”. I absolutely love seeing students start making the change from their faith being about them to being about inviting others into relationship with Jesus.

A couple photos from camp

    That same student will be one of our invites to SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry) this year. It’s our yearly leadership conference we use to train up disciple makers on campus. It’s a huge deal for us, and we’re starting to invite people in the next couple weeks. Prayer for discernment on who to send and the logistics of the trip would be really appreciated! On that note, I should talk about Showcase, something I get to help plan this year! It’s an event that helps raise money to send our students to SICM. 

Some of the guys I was mentioning early at winter camp with me!

    Showcase consists of two different showtimes and each show will feature amazing musical performances from a variety of talented people in our community. The performances will be from several different genres, including musical theatre, country, pop, and hip hop. This is a time where we get to see the amazing musical gifts that God has blessed our community with! We have an Artisan Market between the shows that will feature goods and art created by people across our community for you to browse or purchase. Paintings, photography, prints, woodworking, clothing, plants, baked goods, and many more mediums will be available for sale. All the money we raise from Showcase goes to helping send students to SICM and equip them to be disciple makers on their campus! So, if you’re looking for a great way to support these students, and also want something fun to do, consider buying a ticket! I’ll leave all the info below!

About: Showcase is a yearly event featuring talents and art from across our community. While the show itself is always great, the real attraction is that it helps students come to encounter God on campus. The money that is raised from this event goes directly into training student leaders to be disciple makers on their campus.

When: Saturday, February 26th, shows at 2:30 and 6:30 pm. Artisan market at 5 pm.

Where: CARE Church in Richardson. 1504 E Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75082.

Cost: $25 for adults. $15 for students. Limited amount of VIP tickets for $50.

Tickets available at:

Once again thank you all for supporting me this last year! I’m just so thankful for the opportunity to be on campus investing in these young disciples of Christ. And I’m excited for another year!


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