Sweet Imitations of Christ
Another sweet month of ministry down. I continue to feel blessed to be able to serve our students as their pastor, and often I think I benefit just as much if not more than them!
In our sermons we are currently working through the book of Philippians. At the end of the second chapter Paul lifts up Timothy and Epaphroditus. It’s after he has been talking about the theme of humility and looking out for one another. He says this of Timothy, “20 I have no one else like him, who will show genuine concern for your welfare. 21 For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.” Timothy was someone that Paul lifted up as a guy who looks out for the interests of Jesus, mainly in that he looks out for other people. When we were selecting this book for our sermon series one of the reasons we did is because we thought it was the book that felt the most like it was written to our community. There are certainly challenges to be found in it, but also much encouragement. I wanted to spend some time in this blog just talking about how I’ve seen people be like Timothy and Epaphroditus in the FOCUS ministry lately, because I think it gives a glimpse into part of what God is doing here.
I’ve seen countless people offer up their time by giving rides to those who don’t have it, and even some people offering to let others borrow their car for different amounts of time in order to help out someone in need. A couple of guys that I’ve seen do this the most are Leo, Luke and Ayamae.
I’ve seen and heard of many stories of people staying up late talking to a friend who is hurt, whether through a breakup, the loss of a loved one, or many other different struggles. They forgo a good nights rest or free time in order to be there for someone who is hurting. That may seem small, but it’s building amazing heart posture.
Money problems are a common plight for college students, but I’ve seen many of our students give up what little money they have to provide for their peers when they need it.
When people are sick I’ve seen others rally to support them by bringing them food and volunteering to help them with chores and other household tasks.
When students have lost loved ones their friends and even sometimes just acquaintances will show up to support them at the funeral or just through checking in on them and making sure they are okay and feel cared and loved.
On top of that we have a growing number of students who are consistently asking students on campus for prayer, and I’ve met several newcomers to our ministry that were initially invited through that prayer group.
I could go on, but I’ve been so encouraged by the movement of the Spirit through our community recently. We’ve also got our fair share of things we need to grow in, but as our staff was reflecting recently we do think this has been one of the sweetest seasons of ministry we’ve had in a long time. Pray that it keeps up and that next year can be even better!
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